Thursday, December 31, 2015

NESACS Public Relations Events 2015

March- STEM Journey II
STEM Journey II on March 28, 2015 was organized by NESACS, Cape & Islands Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and Cape Cod Community College.
Some of the numbers for the STEM Journey II event are shown below:
7 Number of STEM Journey sponsors
150 Scout merit badges in Oceanography, Chemistry, Scientist
100 Volunteers
450 Number of bracelets issued for the 4 Keynote Talks
1,100+ Number of visitors to STEM Journey II

April – Cambridge Science Festival
NESACS participated in the Science Carnival and Robot Zoo at the 2015 Cambridge Science Festival for the fourth consecutive year as a result of a continued relationship from an ACS/NSF grant for an event at the 2012 Cambridge Science Festival to carry on the mission of the International Year of Chemistry. NESACS PR Committee booked two tables: one for resources which included Chemistry Ambassador sashes, Celebrating Chemistry National Chemistry Week and Chemists Celebrate Earth Day handouts and printouts of ACS Resources for Educators including parents who home school grades K-12. Our NSYCC younger chemists Jackie O’Neil and Primrose Nimnark and NESACS PR Committee members, Cosmo Sabatino and Jennifer Maclachlan staffed the ‘ACS’ tables for the duration of the event.

June- Lecture by 2014 Nobel Laurate Prof. Moerner at NESACS Monthly Meeting.
Nobel Laureate (2014) in chemistry, WE Moerner, presented a lecture on his work at Nova Biomedical, Waltham, MA at the  June 2015 NESACS monthly meeting. ( ). Moerner and his colleagues has made a major contribution to our ability to observe molecules at the smallest scales, opening up new possibilities for discovery in areas ranging from disease management to drug development,” 

1.    National Historic Chemical Landmark – The ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark (NHCL) dedication was held on Aug. 13, 2015 at the MIT Museum. More than 150 people were in attendance including the ACS President Diane Schmidt, ACS CEO Tom Connelly and the ACS Board of Directors. The speakers included Diane Schmidt, Vice Mayor of Cambridge, Dennis Benzan, Victor McEltheny (Edwin Land’s biographer), Michael Filosa of NESACS. The Plaque was accepted by the director of the MIT Museum, John Durant. Stephen Hershen of Impossible displayed his company’s instant film with rebuild Polaroid cameras.
2.    We did receive a Citation from Gov. Baker.
3.    A Symposium (Sponsored by History of Chemistry Div., ACS President and NESACS) on Edwin Land was held at the ACS meeting on Sunday Aug.16. We had 60 people in attendance as 5 former Polaroid employees talked about their experiences at Polaroid.
4.    A Poster session on Edwin Land and Instant photography by Jennifer Maclachlan and Jack Driscoll was given at the Sci Mix Monday Aug. 17 & History of chemistry Div. Poster session on Wed. Aug.19, 2015. We will be posting this on the website
6.    Submitted to the Nucleus

Chemluminary Awards
NESACS received two Chemluminary awards at the ACS National meeting in August 2015.  NESACS

Note that NESACS was a finalist for a total of two Chemluminary awards; both of which they received.
The Chemluminary Awards provides members an opportunity to recognize local sections !185 ea), regional meetings, divisions (35 ea) , and international sciences chapters that receive accolades for their tireless efforts and work in promoting chemistry and the chemical sciences in local areas during 2014.
1.     Outstanding Collaboration Between A Division and Local Section

·        Outstanding NCW Event for a Specific Audience

ACS Fellows
Three NESACS members were selected as ACS Fellows and the ACS National Meeting in August 2015.
Sept – Wednesday September 30, 2015: Joint ACS Webinar by the Local Section Activities Committee (LSAC) and Committee on Public Relations and Communications (CPRC) titled: Communicating with the Public about Local Section events. Jennifer Maclachlan, representing CPRC and NESACS, was a webinar presenter on the topic of Social Media and the Local Section.
Oct. – NCW Boy Scouts Wicked Cool Science Café-
A Science Café was held at the Cape & Islands Boy Scouts of America’s Wicked Cool Autumn Festival. More than 700 attended on Oct. 25, 2015. This event was part of the ACS National Chemistry week.
Nov. –
In her role as Chair of the Technology Subcommittee for the ACS Committee on Public Relations and Communications (CPRC), Jennifer Maclachlan traveled to the Rochester, NY, together with three members from the ACS Office of Public Affairs, to deliver a Social Media Workshop customized for the Rochester Local Section. Jennifer specifically addressed the social networks Facebook and Linked-In.
Jennifer Maclachlan, together with organizers from The Chemical Society of Japan and the Canadian Society for Chemistry organized a two-day symposium on the Connecting Chemistry and Society track at Pacifichem. Symposium title: The evolving nature of scholarly publishing: Connecting scholars to society and to eachother. Topics explored: Traditional journal publishing, open access publishing, connecting your research with the media, social media for small business, social media at a National Lab and navigating social media to connect globally with other scientists. Notable speakers included opening remarks by ACS Executive Director and CEO, Tom Connelly, Bassam Shakhashiri, Paul Weiss, Robin Rogers, Bill Tolman, Bibiana Campos, Bryan Balazs and Pacifichem Plenary speaker, Sam Kean, author of The Disappearing Spoon.

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