Thursday, June 27, 2013

Air Monitoring Symposium Monday afternoon at #ACSINDY

Air Monitoring Symposium #ACSIndy

Sponsored by PID Analyzers, LLC 

Cosponsored by AGRO, ANYL, and CHAS 

J. Maclachlan, Organizer

J. Driscoll, Presiding

Oral Session 

Monday September 9, 2013 


In room service of coffee, cookies & lemonade

Location: Crowne Plaza at Historic Union Station

Room: Penn Station B

1:30 Introductory Remarks by J. Driscoll, PID Analyzers, LLC

1:35 98. Comparison of Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) and Federal Reference Method (FRM) in evaluating PM2.5 in Cincinnati, Ohio. K. Li, M. Lu, Department of Enviromental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 

1:55 99. Characterization of particulate matter (PM) generated from commercial DC-8 jet burning petroleum-based JP-8 and synthetic FJ and HRJ fuels. C. Huang, R.L. Vander Wal,  Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 

2:15 100. Impact of nanostructure on soot oxidation: Pressure and fuel comparisons. C. K. Gaddam, R. L. Vander Wal, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 

2:35 101. Dynamics of airborne PCBs illuminated using a strategic deployment of active and passive samplers. D. Hu, T. Schulz, C. Persoon, K. Hornbuckle
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 
Air Monitoring IND speakers L to R:  P.A.Smith (#ACSNOLA), J.N. Driscoll (#ACSNOLA  and Presiding #ACSIndy) and K.K.Brown (#ACSIndy).
Photo taken at the 2013 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition

Montreal, Canada Real-Time Detection Systems Track
2:55 102. Pyrolysis behavior of engineered carbon nanotube polymer compositesC. J. Akinyi, Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 

3:15 Intermission.

3:30 103.Improved quantitation of sulfur compounds in the atmosphere by hyphenated GC-FPD-PID. J. N. Driscoll, J. L. Maclachlan, PID Analyzers, LLC

3:50 104. Personal PID chemical sensor coupled with a real-time location system to create a novel direct-reading exposure assessment method. K. K. Brown,1 K. R. Mead1, P. B. Shaw1, R. J. Kovein1, R. T. Voorhees2, A. R. Brandes3.(1) Division of Applied Research and Technology, Chemical Exposure Monitoring Branch, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Cincinnati, OH 45226, United States, (2) Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221, United States, (3) MeasureNet Technology, Ltd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, United States

4:10 105. Tunable electronic noses for monitoring volatile small molecules. 
K. Benkstein, A. Vergara, C. Montgomery, S. Semancik  Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD

4:30 106. Assessing spatiotemporal commensurability for semi-volatile compounds in passive and active sampling through simulated passive air sampling rates and concentrations. S. N. Spak1,2, N. T. Petrich1, C. E. Shanahan2, G. R. Carmichael1,3, D. Hu1, A. Martinez1, Z. Rodenburg1, K. C. Hornbuckle1 (1) Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, United States, (2) Public Policy Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52245, United States, (3) Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 

4:50 Discussion.
5:20 Concluding Remarks.

What's ahead: Call for Papers #ACSDallas:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

SCHB & NESACS at AAAS Boston 2013

Photo of Boston from the Cambridge-side of the Charles River after picking
up our Family Science Day chemistry outreach supplies by J. Maclachlan
L to R: Bassam Shakhashiri, Jennifer Maclachlan and Jack Driscoll
Found a familiar face at #AAASmeeting in the hotel and
at the Chemistry
Section Meeting

L to R:
George Ruger, Nancy Jackson, Jennifer Maclachlan at the
Simmons College
chemistry student/professor Friday afternoon February 15, 2013
reception organized by George Ruger,
Immediate Past Chair, ACS Mid-Hudson
Local Section and SCHB member
during the AAAS meeting

I attended the Chemistry Section business meeting  on Friday evening February 15, 2013 as a member of the Chemistry Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. This was my first #AAASmeeting and my reason for attending the meeting was to present a career workshop in the Career Pathways track called Learn How to Satisfy Entrepreneurial Cravings with my esteemed local American Chemical Society Small Chemical Businesses SCHB colleagues: Jack Driscoll and Mukund Chorghade. The AAAS sections meet once a year at the annual meeting to plan the symposia for the following year. I went to the meeting to seek out possible connections for future programming and/or cooperation with the chemistry section with bringing our SCHB programming module to AAAS members. Based on my chat with the members of the Chemistry Section governance prior to the meeting, it was clear that the Chemistry Section would not be a good match for our Entrepreneurial Programming. However, they expressed interest in possibly pursuing something similar to the SCHB Something's Brewing in the Bayou: a chemistry of beer type event although the preference would be as a social event with a brewery tour rather than a symposium. Additional pre-meeting preparation paid off with contact sharing between SCHB Program Chair, Joe Sabol and I as we discovered that our own Best Practices for Entrepreneurs for the ACSNOLA meeting, John Newsam, was receiving the honor of AAAS Fellow for Section Industrial P. I was able to setup a lunch meeting with John to introduce him to my father, Jack Driscoll,   a scheduled panelist for Best Practices at ACSNOLA. Joe reached out to Anice Anderson, the Chair of Industrial Section P and setup a meeting between Anice and I so we could discuss future mutual programming.  At the tail end of the Section P meeting which we couldn't attend because we were hosting our Career Workshop Lounge,  Jack, Mukund and I had the good fortune of being invited to lunch with the Industrial Section P business meeting attendees.This was a fantastic serendipitous event allowing the opportunity to communicate the SCHB goal of future programming with AAAS Industrial Section P.  Joe was able to work with Anice and John remotely in order to draft a proposal that went before council the next morning. On the Sunday morning of the annual meeting, a council comprised of representatives from each of the AAAS sections meets for a pitching session resulting in which symposia will move forward for the following year and co-sponsors are put into place. 

Saturday February 16, 2013 Facilitated a career workshop at AAAS Boston called Learn how to satisfy your entrepreneurial career cravings 

Entrepreneurial career cravings? Learn how to satisfy them.
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2013
Time: 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Facility: Hynes Convention Center
Room: 209

We had 24 attendees at this AAAS Career Pathways Workshop on the snowy Saturday morning in Boston at the Hynes Convention Center. I opened the workshop by introducing what Jack Driscoll, Mukund Chorghade and I all have in common: all three of us are member volunteers for the American Chemical Society, active members of both our local section of the American Chemical Society Northeastern Section but also the American Chemical Society Technical Division of Small Chemical Businesses whose mission is to aid in the formation, development and growth of small chemical businesses. I spoke about how I came into entrepreneurship inherently as the daughter of an entrepreneur having run the family business alongside my father for nearly 20 years. Jack discussed how he came into entrepreneurship by sheer desire to work for himself and Mukund discussed how he had to become an entrepreneur to employ himself. Jack and Mukund each had half an hour and used the time to talk about their experiences: what worked/what didn’t and resources that are available from ACS including SCHB member benefits,the ACS Entrepreneurial Initiative, ACS Career Consulting tools as well as funding resources both conventional and unconventional funding. Emphasis was placed on traditional networking as well as social media networking. Questions were asked throughout the presentations making it slightly more audience driven than the usual Powerpoint presentation. However, we were able to keep the questions focused because of the unique opportunity to meet one-on-one with folks seeking guidance via the career development lounge  following the presentation where SCHB representatives Jennifer Maclachlan, Mukund Chorghade and Jack Driscoll after the workshop to discuss specific chemistry career options. Two of the people talked to us afterward about starting their own small chemical business, one was a Post Doc who is a NESACS member but had not gone to any Local Section meetings because he had heard that it was an “older group” and that the majority of members were “academics”.  I invited him to our next meeting and told him that it was an excellent place to network. I followed up with him post meeting and will again in the Fall. A reporter interviewed Mukund but it did not yield any press coverage. The career development lounge that AAAS provided was located in the back corner of the expo hall which was setup cafe style for conversations. Jack met with a women from The University of Einhoven in The Netherlands, who could not attend our workshop but could attend the career lounge and wanted to use us a a point of contact for entrepreneurship and invited Jack to give a similar presentation on scientific entrepreneurship via webinar. This webinar on entrepreneurship occurred on May 13, 2013 with an audience of 25 potential scientific entrepreneurs who were at a meeting in San Jose. ACS resources were highlighted in Jack's presentation along with his own entrepreneurial experiences. 

This portion was written jointly by Jack Driscoll and Jennifer Maclachlan and submitted as part of the quarterly PR report for NESACS. 
February 16-17, 2013- Family Science Days at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)Meeting, HynesConvention Center Boston MA This spectacular science outreachevent was sponsored by AAAS and co-sponsored by the Cambridge Science Festival. This free two day event was attended by 3,700 people. The American Chemical Society: Northeastern Section of the ACS (NESACS) together with the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses(SCHB) reserved and staffed a booth. The ACS Office of Public Affairs provided several hundred copies both of Kids Discover Chemistry Magazine and the Celebrating Chemistry Nanotechnology National Chemistry Week handout in addition to Chemistry Ambassador sashes, stickers and pins for distribution at this event. There were more than 60 organizations at the Family Science Days.

Our hands-on materials were provided by NESACS National Chemistry Week Coordinator, Chris Jaworek-Lopes. David Sittenfeld of the Museum of Science not only donned a Chemistry Ambassador sash and put in volunteer hours at the booth, he also arranged for us to borrow the Museum of Science demo kits that we utilized in addition to the NCW supplies. We had three experiments: sunscreen, surface area and nanosand. The latter was the most popular. I mentioned to booth visitors that the ACS had some very educational nanotech videos on their YouTube channel. When thanked for his time at the booth, Mark Jones (pictured right above next to Jack Driscoll) replied that the experience was 
“surprisingly enjoyable”. Mark Jones acted as a Keynote speaker at the 2013 ACS Central Regional Meeting (CERM) and was volunteered to us by his Dow Chemical colleague, Katie Hunt, 2007 President of the ACS, who knew that we had booked an ACS table at this AAAS event. We had about 350 parents and children visit us on the first day and about 250 on the second day. The audience was primarily K-6 but we did talk to several sophomores about careers in chemistry. One Post Doc mom asked me whether I would make a video to invite her 6 year old son to the Expo the next day. I did that and met her son the next day. On Sunday, Lisa Shatz from Suffolk University, brought a number of EE gadgets including a Mendocino motor driven by a flashlight, solar cells and magnets, a robot, a Gauss meter, a magnet & a tube of iron filings that could beused to demonstrate a magnetic field. We were graced with the most amazing volunteers from the ACS Small Chemical Businesses Division, Northeastern Local Section of ACS (NESACS), Mid-Hudson Local Section of  ACS, Dow Chemical (MI & MA), Suffolk University Department Chairs including a Trustee and Museum of Science Boston (MOS).We couldn't have staffed the six hours each day(Saturday and Sunday) without this team of volunteers: Mukund Chorghade, Jack Driscoll, Chris Gilmore, Mark Jones, Jennifer Maclachlan and Family, George Ruger, Lisa Shatz, DavidSittenfeld, Sonja Strah-Pleynet and Family,Tricia Vickrey and Dennis Walczewski.

Of course on the Saturday evening of AAAS, I attended the social media soiree and premier networking event for science bloggers and tweeters. 

Overall, this was a very successful meeting having achieved what I would consider a great deal of PR for the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses based on our participation in the technical program (workshop), social events, section business meetings and at the community science outreach event. 

Below are the tweets that I did as the @ACSSCHB administrator before the AAAS Meeting.
  1. Session hashtag for live tweeting of Learn how to satisfy career cravings at is
  2. Early bird registration ends 2/18 for . Register today! Here's our FULL technical program
  3. RT : Boston area Free Family Science Fun Sat/Sun 16&17 at
  4. Have career cravings & going to ? Join us Sat 1030am RM 209 & learn from 3 scientific entrepreneurs
  5. Session: Learn How to Satisfy Career Cravings Saturday morning at

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Small chemical businesses and the importance of being social on the CINF Track at #ACSIndy

Symposium Title: (CINF012) Role and Value of Social Networking in Advancing the Chemical Sciences #ACSINDY

Symposium descriptionThere is no shortage of social networking tools available to the scientific community to embrace and, in theory, use to advance the chemical sciences. From YouTube videos for demonstrating lab procedures, to personal blogs or blogging communities, to crowdsourced wikis and Twitter. These tools allow for sharing, for community engagement and collaboration, and many other opportunities to connect scientists (and others) to science. This symposium will examine whether social networking tools offer value to the chemical sciences. We will review how these tools are presently being used and what the opportunities are for the future for improved engagement with the existing systems or the development of new and improved tools.

Presentation title: Small chemical businesses and the importance of being social

1. PID Analyzers, LLC, Sandwich, Massachusetts, MA, 02563, United States

1. Jennifer L Maclachlan1 , PID Analyzers, LLC, 2 Washington Circle, #4, Sandwich, MA, 02563, United States 

Abstract Body: As a small chemical business owner I utilize the following social media platforms for my business: Facebook, Twitter, Hootsuite, LinkedIn, Blogger, Tumblr, Google+, Constant Contact and Pinterest. I will discuss the integral role that each of these social media vehicles plays in the sales, marketing, and branding of my analytical instrumentation. Additionally I will speak to how I've been able to maintain and grow exisiting business relationships through consistent social media communications as well as continuously building a following. Metrics for tracking leads to social campaigns will be addressed. Lastly I will discuss the importance of finding your social media voice and getting out there and being social.

@pidgirl's social media in science presentations 2012

Friday, June 14, 2013

My first New England Local Section American Industrial Hygiene Association meeting

I had the opportunity to attend my first Local Section New England American Industrial Hygiene Association meeting last night in Waltham, MA. It was a joint meeting with the Greater Boston Indoor Air Quality Association. I brought my husband along since the evening topic of wet crawlspaces is applicable to his work as an HVAC specialist. 
Russ Kraiterman and Jennifer Maclachlan

We arrived at 5pm so we didn't have much time to mingle with the crowd of hundred or so that turned out for this event. I did manage to find and speak to the one person I knew in the room: Russ Kraiterman of AJ Abrams Company. Russ has much enthusiasm and a special fondness for the HNU PI101 whose easy sales throughout the 1970's and into the 1980's made him a good living. He exclaimed: "PID's put my kids through college and they must have put you through college too"! I echoed with a "Yes, Yes". He said he saw my dad last month at the National Meeting in Montreal and couldn't believe the event we had to celebrate my dad's work with PID's and Industrial Hygiene was two years ago. Russ was one of the first manufacturer's representatives to have the HNU portable photoionizer line. He said he sometimes misses the analog units. I told him that I think alot of people do and that we still service a surprising number of these thirty and forty year old analyzers. 

We were asked to take our seats and were introduced to each of the three vendors who were supporting this meeting by way of sponsorship. I thought this was great to have vendors in the meeting room. In fact, don't be surprised to see me at a vendor table at an upcoming NEAIHA meeting showing off our PID's, confined space entry analyzers and portable GC's. I introduced myself to Bart Ellingsen, NEAIHA Past President and Debra Gursha, NEAIHA Secretary and expressed my interest in participating in this marketing genius, I mean sponsorship opportunity. 

I tweeted this picture above from the meeting: 
A special treat: listening to Joe Lstiburek speak at joint meeting in Waltham, MA I should have also included #ticketyboo in my tweet and if you went to the meeting you'd know what I mean. I can tell you that I am now a fan of Joe Lstiburek mostly because I admire his presentation stage presence but also because he is funny as hell.
It was worth the ride, worth the hectic rush from volunteering a double shift at field day at my daughter's elementary school (in the rain) to attend this meeting. I look forward to participating in upcoming events with the NEAIHA folks as well as continued cooperation between the AIHA and IAQA with respect to the registry that they are developing.

Wielding social media for effective science communication