Thursday, February 17, 2011

@pidgirl: My Best in Blog: #Pittcon 2011 Guide

Will you be in Atlanta on Sunday March 13, 2011? If yes, come to the Sunday evening poster session after the Plenary Lecture. Pittcon serves light appetizers and complimentary beer/wine/soda at the Sunday poster session. 

We will be presenting 3 posters in the Session 180-New Developments in Analytical Instrumentation and Software on Sunday, March 13, 2011,
5:30PM-7PM Room 412A Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC).

Fault Tolerant Wireless Sensor Network Abstract Number: 180 - 19P

 Monday Poster Session 615 - ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Poster Session

Leveraging Social Media to Educate the Public About Sustainability Practices Abstract Number: 615 - 20P


Tweetup Tuesday: 10am GWCC & 7pm STATS. Come to both if you can.

Tuesday Networking Session Facilitated by Jennifer Maclachlan & Dr. Jack Driscoll. Topic is: The role of analytical chemists in an age of high-end instrumentation and robotization  from 4:30pm-6:30pm Room 218 Georgia World Congress Center

Exposition Monday-Wednesday 9am-5pm and Thursday 9am-3pm see us at Booth#461 featuring the Fast GC, the multi-sensor portable analyzer and the ZrO2 Analyzer. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cape Cod Science Cafe: Alternative Energy & Sustainability

Cape Cod Science Cafe: Celebrates IYC Q2

Register Here

Ordinary solar panels on dormitory roof, Friedman Field Station

Suffolk University's Friedman Field Station on the shore of Cobscook Bay in Edmunds, Maine
Tiltdown 10 kilowatt Wind Turbine-Friedman Field Station which provides energy back to the Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. grid  

Solar panel which follows the sun located inside the geodesic dome-Friedman Field Station

This geodesic dome provides all the hot water on the campus at Friedman Field Station.

All photos courtesy of  Dr. Walter Johnson 

Save the date: the  next Cape Cod Science Cafe in celebration of Quarter 2 of IYC is scheduled for Friday April 29, 2011 at the Hyannis Golf Club: 6:30pm-9pm. The topic is: Alternative Energy & Sustainability and speakers include: Dr. Daniel Nocera of MIT and Dr. Walter Johnson of Suffolk University. Stay tuned for additional  program and registration information. 

Dan Nocera moderated the IYC Kick-Off Event in Philadelphia. Click here for details. 

At a weekend training at The American Chemical Society in Washington D.C. when I announced that Dan Nocera is speaking at my IYC Q2 Energy event, one of my committee members remarked: Dan Nocera is definitely worth traveling for . So Bill Suits we'll be expecting you to celebrate IYC Q2 on Cape Cod with us.


Wielding social media for effective science communication