Sunday, April 29, 2012

Real-Time Detection Systems at #AIHCE 2012

Real-Time Detection Systems Programming at AIHCE 2012
Indy June 16-21
Real-Time Detection Systems Committee Meeting Portland, OR 2011
The mission of the Real-Time Detection Systems Committee is 
to provide effective leadership in the field of Gas and Vapor Detection Systems by maintaining knowledge of past and present tools and methods related to the field. Our members actively share their expertise with each other and industry stakeholders, driving improved technology, to provide workers and the public with the best possible protection.

Advanced | 1.34 CM Points/ 8 Contact Hours/ 1.0 CEU/COC Point | Sunday | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Limit: 60

Hazardous Chemicals, Real-Time Detection Systems
Description:The PDC is targeted towards industrial hygiene, safety, and emergency response personnel who use or may be called on to use field-portable detection and identification tools, or professionals who may need to understand data produced by such tools. Read more here.

  • SS 001 - Closer to Spock’s Tricorder — The Latest in Real-Time Detection Monday, 2:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. 

    Monday | 2:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. |

    Real-Time Detection Systems, Safety, Symposia
    Arranger: P. Smith, OSHA, Sandy, UT. Moderator: E. Bishop, Parsons, Council Bluffs, CA. Monitors: J. Golden, 3M Company, Cottage Grove, MN; D. Bolstad-Johnson, Phoenix Fire Department, Phoenix, AZ.
    Advances in real-time detection systems and informatics now allow for high reliability data that are immediately available to decision makers. This roundtable will bring together a panel of experts who as individuals are involved in designing, testing, or using the latest innovations in real-time chemical detection and identification tools and informatics platforms to get the resulting data to those who need it as quickly as possible. Assembled experts will discuss microfabricated sensor arrays, miniature mass spectrometers, traditional and atmospheric pressure ionization for mass spectrometric detection in the field, and pulling it all together with wireless transmission of data and positioning to present 3-D models of the results.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Frederick F. Spaziani Memorial Award 2012

Recognition Day

The Frederick F. Spaziani Memorial Award 2012 
scholarship is awarded by a Suffolk University faculty committee to one full-time and one part-time student in the Chemistry, Physics and/or Engineering program on the basis of merit. 

2012 awardees are  both on the Astrophysics Track, Amanda Lewis and Elizabeth Rodriguez. April 26, 2012.

Elizabeth Rodriguez, Dr. Walter Johnson, Amanda Lewis and Jennifer Maclachlan

Fred Spaziani co-founded of  HNU Systems, Inc. with Jack Driscoll in 1973. Together they developed the first commercial photoionization detector that is now the most important method for measuring volatile organic compounds. Fred left us at too early an age and the award is to help students in science or engineering reach their full potential.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Learning how to *rock* my business on Pinterest

I had the good fortune earlier this month to attend a seminar called: How Pinterest Can Be Your Business’ Secret Social Media Weapon (Morning Program) led by Lisa Kalner Williams, the founder of Sierra Tierra Marketing, an agency that provides social analysis, strategy, and instruction to corporations and individuals. 

I made sure to leave enough time to get "over the bridge" from Cape Cod to Boston with the lane reduction on either side during commuter time. I made it over the bridge and got stuck around Weymouth where traffic hangs up as the road goes from two lanes to three lanes-that's right, the road expands and cars just stop. But I digress...
Here's the serendipitous part: how I found out about this seminar is exactly why social sharing is so powerful. I received an email from a colleague of mine who forwarded me the *Events your friends are attending and picks just for you* email-wondering if we knew about and or were going to a STEM event at Wheelock College. I then signed up for the STEM-ED event as well as joined the waitlist for the Pinterest event. I didn't have to wait long; within a few hours I was notified that I could claim my spot since there had been a cancellation. 


Events for You, From Us

April showers bring May flowers, and more events. Our robots picked out a bouquet, just for you.

In this issue: Events your friends are attending and Picks just for you

There were thirteen of us participating in this seminar held at WorkBar on Atlantic Avenue in Boston.  Located in the basement of the building pictured on the left is a community workspace which business professionals rent out for this type of event. The WorkBar work space is so ultra modern and hip that if I didn't know better I would have thought I'd stepped through a portal to Cambridge. 
Lisa Kalner began the discussion  by having each of us introduce ourselves and include how we currently use Pinterest and what we hoped to learn at this seminar.
I introduced myself and said I had opened a Pinterest account a couple months ago but only had one board and one pin. I came to the seminar to learn the value of Pinterest with the ultimate goal of utilizing it as a business tool to drive traffic to my blog. I did a couple of live tweets from the event:

 at a  seminar: learning *how my business can rock Pinterest*

Savvy  biz practice: celebrate lifestyle of fans and engage by increased brand awareness-driving traffic to web/blog

I really needed the *pinspiration* that Lisa offered in this seminar. It is always really neat to hear how other folks are using social media and to take away the little nuggets of awesomeness that I can apply to my social media repertoire. I have been busy building up my Pinterest boards and have only shared a couple times. I will soon be sending out *this week on Pinterest* tweets and Facebook updates... Out of my now 17 boards the most popular are: Social Media, Industrial Hygiene, Gas Chromatography and Yoga
*Happy Pinning* as they say on Pinterest

Wielding social media for effective science communication