Friday, December 29, 2017

STEM Journey V Keynote Speaker Announced

Pre-register for this event: Event Registration

 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Robotics in the 21st Century

Andrew Reichel is a Northeastern University Gordon Fellow and Robotics Engineer at iRobot Corporation, headquartered outside of Boston Massachusetts. He has worked as an engineer within iRobot’s R&D sector since 2011 working on Horizon 2-level projects during that time. Reichel has fostered his passion for engineering and robotics through his studies at Mashpee High School, Wentworth Institute of Technology and Northeastern University. Following his move to Mashpee Massachusetts in spring of 1998, Mr. Reichel completed his academics his senior year of high school in 2008. During his last year at Mashpee High, Andrew was exposed to his first engineering applications in his drafting course in the form of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) while looking forward to an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. Ultimately landing on Wentworth Institute of Technology, Andrew completed his undergraduate studies in summer of 2012, graduating with his BS in Mechanical Engineering and over a year and half of engineering work experience after working as a Mechanical Engineering Co-op at both Hydroid Inc. and iRobot Corp. After graduating, Andrew begin a brief stint of work as an engineer with BAE Systems Inc. in the Land and Armaments division, in Santa Clara, CA. Focusing on retrofitting an existing vehicle platform for the middle-east theatre, Andrew returned to iRobot shortly thereafter, to focus on his passion for robotics. Now a sub-system lead and staff mechanical engineer, Andrew has focused on the development of actuating/sensing technologies and platform mobility where he currently holds several USPTO Design patents. Andrew began graduate studies at Northeastern University in the field of Data Science in fall of 2016 where he studies now as a Gordon Fellow within the institute. Andrew’s passion for data-driven design and research has only been bolstered with the advent of connected devices and the smart-home. He looks forward to graduating with his MS in Data Science in 2019 and continuing his engineering career in applied technology.

Opening Remarks: Women in STEM

Dr. Dorothy J. Phillips is serving her second term on the American Chemical Society Board of Directors, Director-at-Large, 2014- 2019. She holds a B.A. degree from Vanderbilt University in chemistry and a Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in biochemistry. Dr. Phillips began her industrial career in 1974 at Dow Chemical Company where she spent nine years and received three patents. She joined Waters Corporation in R&D in 1984 and retired in 2013 as Director of Strategic Marketing. She was instrumental in the development of Waters’ flagship Symmetry® and Oasis® product brands. She received the Waters Manager’s Award for Innovation in 1987 and 1988. She has published and/or presented over 70 papers that focus on high performance liquid chromatography technology and applications.
In 1996, Dr. Phillips transitioned from R&D to Marketing as Brand Manager for the Oasis® family of products. As Director of Strategic Marketing, she traveled in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Japan to identify and assess new technologies and business opportunities to meet global separation needs. She was the first recipient of the Waters Leadership Award for outstanding contributions to Waters and the Waters Community in 2008.
Her honors and awards also include the Vanderbilt University Dr. Dorothy J. Wingfield Phillips Endowed Chair, 2015; American Chemical Society Fellow, Class of 2010; Distinguished Chemist Award, The New England Institute of Chemists, Division of the American Institute of Chemists, 2011; Shirley B. Radding Award, Santa Clara Valley Section ACS, 2008; Northeastern Section ACS Henry A. Hill Award, 2006; Nashville Section ACS, Salute to Excellence Award, 2004; TTT Mentor Program (Cambridge, MA) Role Model in Science, 2003-17; Unsung Heroine Award, Vanderbilt University, 2006; Distinguished Alumni, University of Cincinnati, McMickens College of Arts and Sciences, 1994 and Center for Women Studies, 1993.  Vanderbilt University presents annually The Dr. Dorothy Wingfield Phillips Award for Leadership to a graduating senior in recognition of the student’s outstanding accomplishments.
She was a speaker at recent ACS national meetings including the spring 2015 Committee on Minority Affairs Luncheon in Denver, CO and the fall 2015 “Legacy of Henry A. Hill” symposium in Boston, MA. Dr. Phillips was an invited speaker in Beijing at the Sixth Annual International Congress of Drug Discovery Science and Technology in 2008 and at PepCon 2010. During the International Year of Chemistry in 2011 she was invited to speak at North Carolina A&T State University Department of Chemistry Fourth Bi-annual Chemical Sciences Symposium; International Conference on Chemistry for Mankind, Nagpur, India; and the 15th Indian Society of Chemists & Biologists International Conference, Rajkot (Gujarat), India.
Dr. Phillips also serves ACS through the Northeastern Local Section, chair,1993, councilor, 1995-2013 and Trustee, 2014-2019 and in the Division of Analytical Chemistry, chair, 2009-2010. She is a member of National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Sigma Xi, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Her husband James Phillips, a chemist, is an ACS volunteer. They have three adult children and grandchildren.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Social Media 101 for scientists and science communicators at #ACSNOLA


Chemistry professionals with extensive experience using platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, Pinterest, YouTube, Slack, and Basecamp will lead platform-targeted workshops to assist attendees in creating a personal brand, developing a social strategy, communicating their science, and leading projects and personnel across established and new forms of media. 

Time: 3 hours
Format: 9 twenty minute presentations followed by round table discussions led by presenters

Reserve your spot now:

Learn more by watching the short video about this event:

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

7 years and counting: How the Cape Cod Science Cafe has evolved into a sustainable outreach mechanism for NESACS

Accepted for presentation in Science Cafes and Engaging the Public: Techniques for Hosting  Successful Events: An ACS Presidential Symposium at #ACSNOLA 2018

We'll chat about science cafes and drink cafe au lait and eat beignets!
Photo by J.L.Maclachlan

Presentation title:
7 years and counting: How the Cape Cod Science Cafe has evolved into a sustainable outreach mechanism for NESACS and Southeastern Massachusetts
By: Jennifer Maclachlan
What began as a modest science cafe mini grant during the International Year of Chemistry in 2011 for one event, morphed into a series of events that included a hands-on event for kids. The kids event garnered the attention of the Southeastern Massachusetts STEM Network, local science clubs and Boy Scouts which led to various long-term partnerships with these organizations. By 2013, we started hosting a Cape Cod Science Cafe for kids during the Cape and Islands Boy Scouts of America's Wicked Cool Autumn Welcome. 2018 will mark our 6th consecutive year taking over the mess hall for this event. Scouts and their families expect and look forward to this National Chemistry Week celebration on Cape Cod. Around the same time, because of the interest level of NESACS members in attending our 'adult' Cape Cod Science Cafe events, the special committee of the Southeastern Massachusetts (SEMASS) area was established to organize and execute technical meetings for NESACS members geographically located south of Boston. In 2014, STEM Journey was created as a K-12 and general public free half day educational event for SEMASS complete with a theme and keynote speaker. The Cape Cod Science Cafe organizes the hands-on exhibits and demonstrations for this event. The Cape Cod Science Cafe is a joint outreach effort by NESACS and PID Analyzers, LLC and maintains a Facebook page and blog site. STEM Journey is an annual joint outreach effort by NESACS, PID Analyzers, LLC, the Cape and Islands Boy Scouts Council of America and Sandwich STEM Academy and utilizes a Facebook page, local TV, radio and news outlets to promote this event. Using the Cape Cod Science Cafe model, this presentation will illustrate how to create a sustainable science cafe and other spin off events for your local ACS section.

Learn more about the Cape Cod Science Cafe and STEM Journey V on the web at:

Cape Cod Science Cafe blog

Cape Cod Science Cafe Facebook Page

STEM Journey Facebook Page

NESACS home page

NESACS Facebook Page

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Wicked Cool Autumn Welcome & Science Cafe

2017 marked our 6th annual Cape Cod Celebrates National Chemistry Week science cafe at the Cape & Islands Boy Scouts Council of America's Wicked Cool Autumn Welcome.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Portable GC/PID for the Analysis of Odorous Sulfur Compounds in Ambient Air

Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2018
Orange County Convention Center
Orlando, FL, USA

Accepted for presentation at #Pittcon 2018 in the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Poster Session

Sunday evening February 25, 2018 Valencia Ballroom D, W415, of the Orange County Convention Center, 5:30pm-7:30pm

Gas Chromatography
Primary Focus:Application
Title:A Portable GC/PID for the Analysis of Odorous Sulfur Compounds in Ambient Air
Industrial Hygiene
Portable Instruments

A capillary column gas chromatography method was used for the analysis of sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide in ambient air. The concentration of these sulfur compounds is typically very low (low to sub ppb) in ambient air. Their odor threshold is at the low ppb levels so it is also necessary to make field measurements near odorous sulfur sources such as refineries, pulp and paper mills, etc. because of the high reactivity of the sulfur compounds. A portable gas chromatograph (GC) with a photoionization detector (PID) and concentrator is ideal for this application because of the high sensitivity of the PID to sulfur

compounds and it does not need support gases such as zero air or hydrogen. It has more than 100 times the sensitivity of the flame photometric detector and a much wider dynamic range.

Monday, October 23, 2017

#scicomm panel and discussion at #f17mrs

How to Use Social Media for Connecting with Colleagues and the Press

Tuesday, November 28 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Hynes, Level 2, The Hub Stage—Hall D

This panel discussed how materials researchers can leverage social media as a networking tool as well as a way to promote their work through the press.


Christopher IncarvitoChristopher D. Incarvito
Yale University

Christopher D. Incarvito has served as Director of Research Operations
and Technology at Yale University's West Campus since 2011. In this
role he leads development of research, faculty recruitment, campus
expansion, sustainability, and has executive oversight for communications
and the Yale Landscape Laboratory. He is responsible for the quality and creation of new research
programming and facilities through collaborative work with faculty, directors, deans, department chairs
and other university leadership. He spearheads an ambitious program of laboratory modernization across
West Campus, delivering a significant expansion of Yale’s science and engineering capacity. He manages
strategic capital investments, deployment of high-value shared research instrumentation laboratories, and
has built successful collaborations with global scientific research organizations. Incarvito earned a PhD degree
in inorganic chemistry from the University of Delaware in 2002. His research interests include the application of
orthogonal analytical instrumentation to complex chemical and biological problems with a focus on x-ray based
techniques. He is an expert in the field of x-ray crystallography and has been recognized with co-authorship of
more than 150 peer-reviewed publications. He serves on a number of university-wide committees and is a member
of the university’s Staff Leadership Council.


Matt GrandboisMatt Grandbois
Dow-DuPont Holding Company

Matt Grandbois is the Strategic Marketing Manager for the Electronics
and Imaging business of the Dow-DuPont Holding Company, where he is
 responsible for investor relations reporting for the E&I segment and
focuses on developing new technologies and solutions to the electronics
industry. Grandbois is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Younger Chemist Committee
and is the current Chair of the ACS Division of the Professional Relations Younger Chemist Subdivision.
In these roles, he develops programming at national ACS Meetings aimed at developing professional
skills for young scientists. He has been developing trainings and programs to further improve the
communication skills of scientists while he was part of the University of Minnesota Chemistry Department
Graduate Student Workshop Committee that further spread to his leadership within Dow’s internal early
career scientist development committee. Grandbois has a BA  degree (2004) in chemistry and music performance
from Augustana College and a PhD  degree (2010) in chemistry from the University of Minnesota. He was a 2008
Fulbright Scholar to Norway, where he studied the relationship between technology and society at the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology.

Ken HaenenKen Haenen
Hasselt University  and IMEC vzw

Ken Haenen is Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics,
and Director of the Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology at
 Hasselt University, where he obtained his PhD degree in physics in
2002. He is also a guest professor at IMEC. His research interests
focus on CVD diamond, including its deposition, optoelectronic characterization, surface
functionalization, and diamond-based devices, as part of a broader scope on carbon materials
for energy harvesting and conversion. He is a 2017 volume organizer for MRS Bulletin and
Editor-in-Chief of Diamond and Related Materials. Haenen is involved in the organization of
several leading international diamond and nanocarbon conferences, including the International
Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (Chair), Hasselt Diamond Workshop (Co-chair),
and New Diamond and Nano Carbons (Executive Committee); he organized MRS symposia on
carbon functional interfaces at the 2011 and 2013 MRS Spring Meetings; and he served as a Meeting Chair of the 2015 MRS Spring Meeting.

Jennifer MaclachlanJennifer L. Maclachlan
PID Analyzers, LLC

As a co-owner and sales manager of PID Analyzers, LLC, Jennifer L.
Maclachlan is responsible for managing relationships with distributors
and key clients as well as the web-based marketing, social, and digital
 media initiatives, of which she was an early adopter. Maclachlan is
the Chair of the American Chemical Society (ACS) National Committee on Public Relations
and Communications (CPRC) and Chair of the ACS Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group
(MPPG), which is responsible for determining themes and selecting theme leaders for the
ACS National Meetings. She is a founder of the Cape Cod Science Café, which she started in 2011, with support from the Northeastern Section of the ACS (NESACS) and an International Year of Chemistry (IYC2011) mini-grant.
This program has continued to gain popularity and the 21st Cape Cod Science Café will take
place on March 3, 2018, within  a large public outreach event, STEM Journey, of which she
is a founding member and organizer. STEM Journey is an award-winning K–12 annual public
outreach, daylong event with collaborative efforts from the ACS Local Section (NESACS), the
Cape and Islands Boy Scouts, Sandwich STEM Academy, and PID Analyzers, LLC.
Maclachlan is the Chair of the American Industrial Hygiene Association’s Task Force on
Safety Matters, and is currently piloting the Safety Matters training program for young workers
in her local community of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. In September 2017, Maclachlan
contributed a book chapter to Communicating Chemistry Through Social Media, ACS Books

Judy MeiksinJudy Meiksin
Materials Research Society

Judy Meiksin is News Editor for the Materials Research Society,
where she is responsible for generating content for news and features
 for MRS Bulletin, the Materials360® Newsletter, and Meeting Scene®.
She has taught writing for over 20 years, including courses at the
University of Pittsburgh and the School of the Carnegie as well as invited workshops, most
recently at the College of William and Mary and at the Center for Study of Science,
Technology & Policy (Bangalore). She has her BA degree (1983) from Carnegie
Mellon University and MFA degree (1989) from the University of Pittsburgh, both in Writing.

Rahim MunirRahim Munir
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Rahim Munir is a doctoral candidate at King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology (KAUST) and affiliated with the KAUST
Solar Center (KSC), where he works on understanding the
structure-properties-performance relationship for perovskite
solar cells. He completed his MSc degree from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (KAIST). He leads a team of scientists from KAUST to perform x-ray based
experiments at Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS). Munir is an active
member of the Materials Research Society (MRS) and played major leading roles in the
MRS-KAUST Student Chapter. He publishes articles on his personal blog and is a volunteer
science writer for MRS Bulletin. He has given several invited talks about leadership and
communication skills and has encouraged students of Saudi universities to pursue science
and engineering as their career. Recently, he organized the “Academic Writing” symposia
during the 2016 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston. In his free time, he enjoys reading Oriental

Jo SkeltonJo Skelton
Cambridge University Press

Jo Skelton has been a part of the Academic Marketing team at
Cambridge University Press (CUP) for the past nine years. In her
current capacity as Society Marketing Manager, she heads a team
of marketing executives developing innovative marketing strategies
for a number of society journals, which includes the Materials Research Society publications.
During her time at CUP, Skelton has spearheaded a number of key projects including the
creation and continued development of the Cambridge Core blog and the adoption of the
social media management tool Hootsuite, which is now used throughout the Press. Skelton
has particular interest in the fields of web analytics, social media and data-driven marketing

Monday, October 9, 2017

Safety Matters: Teach Teens to Expect a Safe Workplace, A train the trainer course

New England Chapter – American Industrial Hygiene Association (NEAIHA)

November 1, 2017  ï Four Points by Sheraton Norwood  ï  1125 Boston-Providence Turnpike, Norwood, MA 02062

Maclachlan at #AIHceEXP 2017 Seattle, WA on how to deliver Safety Matters. Photo by AIHA.

10:40am-11:30am Safety Matters: Teach Teens to Expect a Safe Workplace with Jennifer Maclachlan, PID Analyzers, LLC

This train the trainer presentation will focus on how AIHA member volunteers can introduce the joint NIOSH/AIHA Safety Matters Training Program for Young Workers at local area schools, youth groups their own communities. Proven methods for connecting with educators and other community leaders will be featured together with case studies highlighting both success and failure stories from the Safety Matters on Cape Cod pilot program. Tips on how to administer the materials contained in the Safety Matters Powerpoint™ presentation based on the age of the audience, setting, and time constraints etc. will be included in this presentation. Attendees will be provided with the NIOSH/AIHA Safety Matters Powerpoint™ on a flash drive enabling them to be Safety Matters facilitators.

Register here

See the full morning program below. Click here to see the full day program:

Early Registration (by Oct 25th)
Regular Registration (after Oct 25th)
NEAIHA Members
Pre-registration for NEAIHA members will be available through the Memberclicks link on the NEAIHA website. Registration link:
Attendance receipts for certification maintenance purposes will be available at the door.  This event contains 7.5 technical contact hours, and may be eligible for ABIH CM credit.  See ABIH web site for CM credit criteria.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Call for activities: STEM Journey V

We're seeking STEM stakeholders to join us on our STEM Journey, Saturday March 3, 2018 from 11am-5pm, and bring hands-on STEM activities/demonstrations that are interesting to students in grades K-12. The 2018 theme is Robotics in the 21st Century!

Contact Jennifer Maclachlan to learn how you can participate by being a hands-on activity exhibitor or event sponsor.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Maclachlan is 2018 Chair of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group (MPPG)

American Chemical Society (ACS) Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group (MPPG)

Jennifer Maclachlan (from left) representing MPPG at The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture on August 21, 2017 in Washington, DC, together with  Prashant Jain, The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecturer, Allison Campbell, ACS 2017 President (Earlier in the week, Allison Campbell was involved in a bicycle accident),  Joanna Aizenberg, The Fred Kavli Innovations in Chemistry Lecturer; and Thomas Connelly, ACS Executive Director and CEO.Photo credit: Linda Wang/C&EN

I've just completed my Chair-Elect duties and have assumed the role of 2018 Chair of The ACS Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group (MPPG). Last week I updated my Linked-In profile to reflect the change and have been delighted to receive so much feedback from my connections about this exciting opportunity to work closely with ACS technical divisions and their representatives. "MPPG identifies and selects national meeting themes to promote collaborative, multidisciplinary, Society-wide programming for ACS National meetings.  This multidisciplinary programming reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the modern scientific enterprise, breaks down barriers to collaboration, and provides opportunities for outreach to nascent and existing communities of scientists who are practicing chemistry.
MPPG has representatives from nearly all technical divisions, as well as representatives from programming committees".  
MPPG has two subcommittees: 
What's new with MPPG? In the coming weeks, MPPG representatives will have an opportunity to choose which subcommittee they would like to serve on. Additionally, the structure of the in-person meetings at the ACS National Meetings will change to reflect the needs and time concerns of this group including participating theme leaders.To represent the broad interests of the society, it is critical that we have a participatory members from each of the technical divisions at our meetings, even if the designated representative or alternate cannot attend.

As part of my MPPG Chair duties, I am responsible for sourcing themes and theme leaders for the 2021 spring and fall ACS meetings. Note that it is possible to partner as theme leaders. The 2021 meeting dates are:

  • 261st ACS National Meeting & Exposition
    March 21 - 25, 2021
    San Antonio, Texas
  • 262nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition
    August 22-26, 2021
    Atlanta, Georgia
Current themes and theme leaders are as follows:


Spring 2018, New Orleans, Nexus of Food, Energy and Water, Jerry Schnoor

Fall 2018, Boston, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Beyond, Paul Weiss

Spring 2019, Orlando, Chemistry for New Frontiers, Michael Meador and Luke Roberson

Fall 2019, San Diego, Chemistry of Water, Chris Avery and Elise Fox

Spring 2020, Philadelphia, Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century, Timothy Lodge and
Kris Matyjaszewski

Fall 2020, San Francisco, Chemistry from Bench to Market, Judy Giordan

Please contact me with theme ideas and/or theme leader candidates. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Safety Matters/Teen Workplace Safety Beta Group Task Force

Volunteer opportunity for AIHA members:
I am currently chairing the Safety Matters/Teen Workplace Safety AIHA Beta Group Task Force. We are just getting started and I am  accepting AIHA member volunteers to serve on this task force. Like any task force, this will require a few conference calls and several emails with a specific time limit. Please contact me if you are interested in serving in this capacity.
Photo Credit: B.Chirico, AIHA

What is Safety Matters? This general awareness training program developed jointly by the National Institute of Occupational Heath and Safety (NIOSH) and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is designed to teach young workers how to identify workplace hazards and know their rights as workers.

Why is this important? Here are some statistics you may not know: 
  • "Approximately 1.6 million U.S. teens (aged 15–17) work.
  • Every nine minutes, a U.S. teen is injured on the job.
  • On average, each year:
Want to help bring Safety Matters to your community and teach young workers to expect a safe workplace? Then contact me to learn how you can mobilize this effort locally.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Improving your Social Chemistry: Science Communication on Facebook, Twitter and Other Online Platforms

Improving your Social Chemistry: Science Communication on Facebook, Twitter and Other Online Platforms

July 13, 2017 @ 2:00pm ET
The way that information is being shared is constantly changing as are the pathways for communicating with the public. You may be a wiz in the lab, but do you know the right formula for developing your social media presence? How are scientists using social media to communicate the value of their science with the public, the media, policymakers, and others in their community? Join Chris McCarthy, Manager of Social Media and Member Engagement with the American Chemical Society, as he shares the role that social media plays in science communication and how to improve your online skills.

What You Will Learn

  • How scientists are using social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for science communication (and how you can too!)
  • How to tailor your message depending on your goals, your audience, and the social media platform you are using
  • What resources ACS and other science organizations offer to help you improve your science communication skills

Webinar Details

  • Date: Thursday, July 13, 2017 @ 2-3pm ET
  • Fee: Free to Attend
  • Download Slides: Available the day of broadcast
The Fine Print
ACS Webinars® does not endorse any products or services. The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the American Chemical Society.


Chris McCarthy
Chris McCarthy
American Chemical Society
Jennifer Maclachlan
Jennifer Maclachlan
PID Analyzers, LLC

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Express your passion for science advocacy using Linked-In and Facebook

Invited talk scheduled for the technical program of the 254th ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC, August 21, 2017
Conference hashtag: #ACSdc
Session hashtag: #SciFY18

PAPER ID: 2753323 

PAPER TITLE: Express your passion for science advocacy using Linked-In and Facebook (final paper number: SCHB 14) with Jennifer Maclachlan

This presentation will focus on how to connect with and build a network of relevant legislators who create policies 
 impacting the chemical sciences and related technologies using social media tools. Emphasis will be on how to 
craft impactful and consistent updates on Linked-In and Facebook to garner attention towards science advocacy issues.

DIVISION: Division of Small Chemical Businesses
SESSION: Social Media for Science Advocacy in Public Policy
SESSION TIME: 8:30 AM - 11:50 AM


DAY and TIME OF PRESENTATION: Monday August 21, 2017 10:50am-11:20PM

Wielding social media for effective science communication