Tuesday, July 15, 2014

ACS Entrepreneurial Resource Center Showcase East Event Recap

Featured tonight at #SCIMIX on the SCHB track:

Come by and meet with me to hear about this successful ACS entrepreneurial event! Tonight, August 11, 2014 8pm-10pm Moscone North Hall D SCHB track.

ACS Entrepreneurial Resource Center Showcase East Event
By: Jennifer Maclachlan, PR Chair, ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses

On Wednesday April 9, 2014, the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB) together with ACS National, the Northeastern Local Section (NESACS), Chemical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council (CIEC), ACS Division of Business Development and Management (BMGT), Nova Biomedical and PID Analyzers, LLC, presented the 2014 ACS Entrepreneurial Resource Center Showcase East Event, a chemistry-based business pitch competition, featuring a cash prize for the winning pitch. The daytime event took place at the Hilton Garden Inn and concluded with an evening program hosted by Nova Biomedical in Waltham, MA. Eighteen chemistry-based start-ups seeking investments and/or strategic partners gave their pitch on technologies involving materials, scientific instruments, therapeutic candidates, diagnostic devices, and cleantech products. 

The organizing committee included the following ACS National staff members: Michael David, David Harwell, Kenneth Polk and Garretta Rollins and the following member volunteers: Mukund Chorghade, SCHB Chair and Chair NESACS Professional Relations Committee, Jack Driscoll, NESACS Public Relations and SCHB Member and Jennifer Maclachlan, SCHB Public Relations Chair, Chair CIEC Public Relations and Communications and Member NESACS Public Relations Committee. We couldn’t have done it without the assistance of our reviewers, mentors, volunteers and judges. Reviewers: Gianna Arnold, Esq., Partner, Saul Ewing LLP, Dr. Dan Daly, Director, the Alabama Innovation and Mentoring of Entrepreneur Center, Dr. Judy Giordan, Managing Director, ecosVC, Dr. Michael Lefenfeld, President and CEO, SiGNa Chemistry, Jeffrey A. Lindeman, Esq., Founder, J.A. Lindeman & Co. PLLC and Ralph T. Scannell, Ph.D. Mentors: Tony Brazzale, Founder and CEO, Gordian Biotechnologies, Anthony Buzzelli, Retired Partner, Deloitte and Dr. Dan Daly, Director, Alabama Innovation and Mentoring of Entrepreneur Center. Volunteers:  The Manderson Graduate School of Business at the University of Alabama, Dr. Rob Morgan, Director, Steven Beard, Melissa Huynh,  Max Mittenthal,  Vincent Philippe, Michael Royko and Larry Wink. A special thank you goes to Mark Vreeke, Sid White and Judy Giordan of the Chemical Angel Network (CaN) for their support of this endeavor. Judges: Mukund Chorghade, Chris Incarvito, Director of Research Operations and Technology at Yale University, and Ken Polk.
Congratulations to Andrew Bond of DeNovX, who gave the winning pitch and was the recipient 0f the $10,000 cash prize!

Learn more about this event and what made it a success at the SCHB Entrepreneurs’ Poster Session Monday morning August 11, 2014 Moscone Center, South Bldg, Esplanade Ballroom 301 and on Monday night August 11, 2014 at the SCHB poster session at SCI MIX. 

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