Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pittcon 2011 Tweetups

We had so much fun at PITTCON 2010 at our two Tweetups and the 2011 Tweetups were also successful and gained some press coverage. An excerpt from my blog got included in the description for social networking (Tweetups) in the March 14 issue of Pittcon Today. The daytime Tweetup was featured with a picture in the March 16 issue of Pittcon Today and a small article appeared in the March 17 issue of Pittcon Today.
C&EN photographed the daytime Tweetup. Hope we make it into the ACS Anaheim issue.

The morning Pittcon Tweetup is run as a social media brainstorming meeting  with participants sharing ideas, experiences and methodology with respect to all aspects of social media. 
The evening Tweetup is more socially based and run as a Tweetup-where folks who met on Twitter get together and meet in person. And of course Tweeting from the Tweetup is an absolute must!
PITTCON 2011 attendees and exhibitors can expect more Twitter participation this year since there will be a live Twitter-feed display in Centennial Park located on the Georgia World Congress Pittcon show floor. This will of course encourage participation: nothing like seeing your Twitter handle on the big screen.
The plans for the Tweetups at PITTCON 2011 have already been organized thanks to Ken Grant of Analtech and a fellow esteemed member of Pittcon's Exhibitor Advisory Council For Marketing (EACFM) and Pam Wasielewski, Marketing Assistant at The Pittsburgh Conference.

The Morning Tweetup was Tuesday, March 15th at 10:00 a.m. at Foodworks (Georgia World Congress Center, Level 2, Building B)

GWCC Web photo
Photo courtesy of Ken Grant

Photo courtesy of Ken Grant

The Evening Pittcon Tweet Up was held at STATS at 7:00 p.m. (about 5 minute walk from the convention center.)
STATS photo from Stats web site
 PITTCON on Twitter using #pittcon is still active. Join the conversation.
Follow @pittcon, @ichromatography and @pidgirl
Photo courtesy of George Ruger

Photo courtesy of George Ruger

Photo courtesy of George Ruger

Friday, December 10, 2010

Selective GC Detectors and Their Role in Environmental Analysis

241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA

Program Area: ENVR: Division of Environmental Chemistry 

This poster will be presented twice by Jennifer Maclachlan at the Spring National Meeting:

1) Symposium Title: (ENVR018b) Sci-Mix Monday March 28, 2011 8-10pm

Celebrate IYC 2011 and be a chemistry ambassador. Join us before SCI-MIX for the Chemistry Rap Dance taping for You Tube. Click here for details.

2) Symposium Title: (ENVR006b) General Posters Wednesday March 30, 2011 6-8pm
Program Area: ENVR: Division of Environmental Chemistry-being considered for a Certificate of Merit Award

Presenting Author: Jennifer Maclachlan
Contributing Authors:
Thomas F. Daniels, CASU SCD and NCD Product Manager, Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis,  Agilent Technologies, 5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA, 95051-7201, United States
Stan Stearns3, President, Valco, 8399 Westview, Houston, TX, 77055, United States 
Paul Patterson4 , DETector Engineering & Technology, 2212 Brampton Road, Walnut Creek, CA, 94598, United States

Selective GC Detectors and their role in environmental analysis is often overlooked with the heavy reliance on mass spec detectors which is why PID Analyzers, LLC organized this group of manufacturers of GC Detectors, GC columns and users of GCs to educate this new generation of chromatographers on selective detector technologies and methods. Contributors were deliberately selected to present an overview of selective GC detectors appropriate for a wide range of environmental analysis. Description and data will include: Fixed gases and hydrocarbons with a FarUltraviolet Absorbance detector, sulfur and nitrogen detection by chemiluminescence (SCD) and (NCD), pesticide residue analysis and detection of halogenated compounds by ECD, novel application of the principles of Thermoionic Surface Ionization (TID) and FlameIonization (FID) and lastly, inert & fixed gases using micro thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and Helium Ionization Detector (HID).

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Come Celebrate the International Year of Chemistry 2011
At the Cape Cod Science Cafe hosted by local ACS Members: 
Jennifer Maclachlan and Dr. Jack Driscoll
Sponsors include: American Chemical Society Northeastern Section, The Town of Barnstable, The Cape Cod Commission, Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment and PID Analyzers, LLC

Cape Cod Science Cafe: Protecting the Cape Cod Water Supply
At The Hyannis Golf Club, Route 132, Hyannis, MA 02601

Tuesday March 1, 2011
Soft drinks and light appetizers will be provided. Cash bar.

Introduction and overview of International Year of Chemistry presented by Jennifer Maclachlan on behalf of Dr. Morton Hoffman
Event Speakers:
  Krista Longnecker, Ph.D. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute will present: "A scientific perspective of water on Cape Cod"
Additional speakers include: 
 Gongmin Lei, M.S. Laboratory Director,  Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment will present "Inside Barnstable County Water Labs: An Overview of their State-of-the-Art laboratory equipment-what is is and what it does"

Susan Rask, M.S., R.S., Barnstable County Dept. of Health and Environment will present on the subject of Nitrogen and the Cape Cod coastal water quality

This event is open to the public and the purpose is to have the speakers, who are chemists or use chemistry in their jobs to educate the audience about this critical issue: 
protecting the water supply here on Cape Cod.

Calling all Cape Cod Twitter users; come meet with us and tweet with us from the Cape Cod Science Cafe. Follow the conversation: @pidgirl and the hashtag: #ccscicafe

RSVP to this event

The Role of Analytical Chemists in an Age of High-End Instrumentation & Robotization

Join me, Jennifer Maclachlan and Dr. Jack Driscoll,  at PITTCON in Atlanta, GA at our Conferee Networking Session on Tuesday March 15, 2011 from 4:30pm-6:30pm Room 218 Georgia World Congress Center to discuss my topic: The Role of Analytical Chemists in an Age of High-End Instrumentation and Robotization

Facilitators: Jennifer Maclachlan and Jack Driscoll


This networking session will be discussing how to maintain jobs for chromatographers by encouraging labs/researchers/industry/government to utilize lower end instrumentation that achieve better results.

What is a PITTCON Conferee Networking Session? "A Conferee Networking Session at PITTCON is free to all registered attendees and provides an open forum for people to establish new friendships, alliances and communication in an informal environment. These sessions provide an arena for conferees, exhibitors, sales and technical people to come together to discuss topics of mutual interest or solve problems specific to certain instrumentation and anything else of interest.

You can meet other people with similar interests, share your experiences with new technology, or brainstorm new ideas. Various year long networking groups have sprung up as a result of these sessions". Source of Quoted Text

Saturday, November 13, 2010

National Chemistry Week on Cape Cod

Cape Cod Celebration October 21, 2011
ACS Member Volunteers: Dr. Jack Driscoll and Jennifer Maclachlan (wearing her Chemistry Ambassador pin)

At my first local section meeting, I had the pleasure of meeting the American Chemical Society (ACS) local section National Chemistry Week Chair, Christine Jaworek-Lopes, who gave me an incredible amount of support and a bagful of National Chemistry Week supplies to share with my "junior-chemists-in-training". Then, my "Jiggle Gels" kit arrived from The American Chemical Society, courtesy of The Chemistry Ambassadors, two days before Jack and I were scheduled to appear before the local after school program kids to celebrate National Chemistry Week. We had an abundance of chemistry related goodies with which to share and excite the children about chemistry. 

I arrived early and set up the tables with all our supplies including safety goggles-which were of course a huge hit amongst all of the kids grades K-8 since they were "like real scientists".
We had about 40 kids in all and they came in two rounds; each arriving looking tired and hungry after a long day of school. The older children, surprised by the room setup and the chemistry props and tools, raced to the tables thrilled by the idea of "doing a science experiment", forgoing their snacks until we had made every last bit of bright green slime.

As the little ones came in, the older students eagerly helped their young peers who arrived in the second group. First guiding them through the "lipstick experiment" and then telling them "how cool it was to make slime and how they could keep it" and showing them how to use the dropper and how much to measure of each "chemical". We had the children work both in partners and on their own-like real chemists; as a team and independently-the kids loved being like real chemists.

We even had the local newspaper in covering the event. The reporter was impressed by the level of enthusiasm that the children were exhibiting.
We promised the kids we'd come back soon to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry and also promised the program directors that we'd come in once a quarter during International Year of Chemistry.
At parent pick-up, one of the eighth graders ran up to his mother and asked her to high-five him and he "slimed" her-good thing the mother was amused with a "eeoow, gross" response. He said "Mom, you don't even understand HOW COOL this was; we did chemistry and made the slime  FROM SCRATCH, using chemistry".  

This made my heart happy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leveraging Social Media to Educate the Public About Sustainability Practices

Accepted Research At Pittcon 2011 Author: Jennifer Maclachlan
Abstract Number: 615 - 20P
Session 615 - ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Poster Session

Day and Time: Monday, March 14, 2011, Afternoon
Room Red Area on Exposition Floor - Hall B, Aisle 400
Social Media is an incredibly powerful tool that connects people globally. This poster will illustrate the importance of each individual social media vehicle (Pittconnect, ACS Network, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In and Blog). Trends have shown that people become proficient in one particular medium and focus their time and energy honing that skill. In order to perform effective outreach with a consistent message about green chemistry and sustainability practices the message must be channeled through each social media vehicle individually. The American Chemical Society Sustainability Engagement Event Group 7 presented a proposal to the ACS Committee on Public Relations and Communications at the Boston National Meeting asking them to adopt a social media plan to create a positive buzz campaign throughout the International Year of Chemistry. This poster will document this process starting from the San Francisco ACS national meeting in 2010 and take it up to the present moment for the Tweet-Up plans at Pittcon 2011.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

PID Analyzers Is Seeking Distributors for all Product Lines

PID Analyzers manufactures sensors & analyzers for air, water and process applications and sells these products worldwide. Our sensor technologies include photoionization, infrared, electrochemistry, catalytic combustion, flame ionization, capacitance, thermal conductivity, process gas chromatography. Many of our analyzers are multifunctional and include multiple technologies. The parameters measured include: VOCs, O2, H2O, fixed gases, SO2, NO2, NO, CO2, formaldehyde... at ppb to % levels. We have analyzers for lab, field and fixed/continuous applications. We are currently seeking worldwide distribution of our products. Kindly send credentials via email including: how many sales people, how many service people, number of locations within a territory and other product lines that you carry. Help us fulfill analyzer demands in your territory.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society Monthly Meeting 10/14/2010

Jennifer Maclachlan and Dr. Morton Hoffman
I attended my first local section meeting of the  Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society (NESACS)  on Thursday October 14, 2010 at 5:30pm in the evening at Emmanuel College in Boston, MA. The purpose of my attendance was to meet the leaders of my local section in preparation for the Science Cafe I am planning to host on Cape Cod in January 2011 as an International Year of Chemistry kick-off event and to get some ideas for my own celebration of National Chemistry Week on Thursday October 21, 2010. I met the National Chemistry Week (NCW) coordinator, Christine Jaworek-Lopes who gave me hand-outs for my NCW event and other chemistry related goodies for the children.
I had exchanged some emails with both Dr. John McKew, Chair, Northeastern Section ,
presiding and Dr. Morton Hoffman about my Science Cafe plans and was eager to meet them in person. The best part is that Dr. Morton Hoffman was my father, Dr. John Driscoll's Master's thesis adviser at Boston University. We thought it would be fun to take a picture of ourselves and email it to my father from the meeting (it was fun).

Jennifer Maclachlan and Dr. Doris Lewis
Just before dinner I found Dr. Doris Lewis of Suffolk University and we discussed the upcoming Science Banquet at Suffolk University in 2011 which she and my father are working on together. My father is tasked with the Suffolk Science Alumni outreach. Dr. Lewis encouraged me to participate in the technology table and showcase the work that we do with Suffolk students.

Dorothy J. Phillips, Thomas Gilbert's son, Thomas Gilbert, Thomas Gilbert's daughter and Anthony Cromwell Hill (Henry Hill's son)
 The thirty-first presentation of the Henry A. Hill Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to the Northeastern Section of the ACS was given to Thomas R. Gilbert.

Dr. Al Hazari

Dr. Patrick Gordon, Dr. Al Hazari and Dr. John McKew
The address "Show Me the Chemistry" was given by Dr. Al Hazari, Director-Undergraduate Chemistry Labs and Lecturer, University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Dr. Hazari exhibited a contagious enthusiasm for chemistry and the support for chemistry education at the elementary and high school levels. As an NESACS kick-off to National Chemistry Week 2010 speaker, Dr. Hazari definitely inspired those of us who are bringing chemistry to the K-12 children this week. 

PID Analyzers is now Headquartered on Cape Cod

Barnstable residents, John Driscoll and Jennifer Maclachlan, a dynamic father-daughter team who own and operate PID Analyzers, LLC are in the process of moving their family business, PID Analyzers, LLC to the other side of the Sagamore Bridge this Friday October 22, 2010 to 2 Washington Circle, Unit 4, Sandwich, MA. A secondary operation of PID Analyzers will be opening in Quincy, MA at the end of the month to retain their key employees involved in the specialty glass and sensor manufacturing portion of the business . 

John Driscoll started the business as HNU Systems, Inc. in 1973 in Newton, MA as an incredibly talented chemist and innovator credited with commercializing the technique of photoionization and in 1976 utilizing his research and expanding the photoionization detector (PID) product development and applying it to gas chromatography-it was found that the PID when used with a gas chromatograph (GC) is 50 more sensitive than the accepted technology available in the 1970's: the flame ionization detector (FID).  PID Analyzers still uses HNU for their web address since HNU stands for the energy of the photon think Physics where: h is Plank's constant yielding the Greek symbol "nu" which initiates the photoionization process. 

The PID is written into many Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) methods for soil, drinking water and worker health and safety. PID Analyzers are sold worldwide including the rapidly growing Chinese market where worker health and safety has become a major concern. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


J.N. Driscoll and J.L. Maclachlan
PID Analyzers LLC
Abstract Number: 180 - 18P
Session 180 - New Developments in Analytical Instrumentation and Software
Day and Time: Sunday, March 13, 2011

5:30pm-7pm Room 412A Georgia World Congress Center

A number of cities in the US have problems with high levels of Ozone and/or photochemical smog including LA, Denver, Houston and even Boston. This phenomenon, while observed in the LA Basin area since the 1950’s, is still not well understood. Fixed monitoring stations have been established for several decades but this has not helped understand the ozone/photochemical smog formation problem. A portable analyzer could provide more valuable data to help solve the problem.....
We have developed a portable analyzer  for monitoring three of the pollutants that contribute to photochemical smog formation. namely: VOC’s, O3, ,NO2. The analyzer incorporates a photoionization detector (PID) that measures VOC’s down to 1 ppb, and electrochemical sensors for ozone (10 ppb) and nitrogen dioxide (20 ppb).
The VOC’s & NO2 were calibrated with permeation tubes. Toluene was used as the calibration gas for VOC’s. A zero gas generator was used to remove ppb levels of VOC’s, NO2 & Ozone from the ambient air for calibration. The ozone sensor was calibrated with an ozone generator. The analyzers were accurately calibrated over the range from low ppb to 1,000 ppb
The analyzer can store up to 20,000 points of data For 3 channels taken every 5 seconds for 24 hours this is 864 data points or 23 days of data. The normal operating time on a continuous basis is about 12 hours. If we could switch the PID duty cycle to 10 %, and increase the size of the battery, we could get nearly three weeks of operation off a full charge. Thus the analyzer could be used to spot check, leave for 12 or even three weeks.
We will evaluate the precision & accuracy in the lab and field as well as comparisons with a continuous monitoring networked for the same pollutants. 

Fault Tolerant Wireless Sensor Network

J.N. Driscoll
PID Analyzers, LLC
K. Armstrong, W. Johnson, F. Little, P. Perov, N Perova, N. Steinsultz, Z. Mostapha

Suffolk Univ. Boston, MA
J. Kochocki,
Draper Labs, Cambridge, MA
Abstract Number: 180 - 19P
Session 180 - New Developments in Analytical Instrumentation and Software
Day and Time: Sunday, March 13, 2011,

5:30PM-7PM Room 412A Georgia World Congress Center

The primary goal of this project was to set up a triplex system of sensors and wireless motes to monitor a room sized Habitat and demonstrate stability of the information in the event of single system failures of different types. A secondary goal was to have the same system of sensors in place on a Rover and wirelessly transmit the data through a system of relay motes back to the base computers in the Habitat with redundant relay motes allowing for single mote failures anywhere in the relay chain.
The sensors used are temperature, carbon dioxide (dual beam IR), oxygen (electrochemical sensor), and pressure. Crossbow motes of three different frequencies (433 MHz, 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz) are wired directly to the sensors and broadcast the data to base motes of the corresponding frequency connected by USB to laptops.
If a single computer fails, then all data for all sensors are still present in two other computers. If any individual sensor fails, two other sensors of the same type are still present in the Habitat and providing data on that particular parameter. Each sensor data is transmitted wirelessly over three separate frequency channels, so if one transmission channel fails, two others are still available for transmission of the data for that sensor. If a single mote fails at any relay point there are nearby motes of that frequency to relay the data to the base computers.
The triplex system of sensors worked well with the wireless motes inside the habitat. Fault tolerance for one fault in a particular type of sensor was demonstrated both by observing spurious wireless transmissions and also by deliberately injecting faults into the sensors. Additional details of our testing of the Habitat and the Rover system will be discussed in our presentation.

How I Am Celebrating National Chemistry Week October 17-23, 2010

As an American Chemical Society (ACS) member volunteer through their Chemistry Ambassadors Program I am preparing to celebrate National Chemistry Week October 17-23, 2010 by reaching out to children in my local community in grades K-8 to "show them the chemistry". I've already scheduled my presentations on Thursday October 21, 2010 at my local YMCA After School Enrichment Program which will allow me to conduct age appropriate chemistry experiments with a K-8 audience. The ACS has excellent resources available for other chemistry folks out there who also want to share their love of chemistry in their community and educate the young chemists in grades K-12. Check it out:
How will you celebrate National Chemistry Week?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Accepted Research for PITTCON 2011:

J.N. Driscoll PID Analyzers LLC and P. Smith of
Univiformed Services Univesity of the Health Sciences
4301 Jones Bridge Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Abstract Number: 180 - 20P
Session 180 - New Developments in Analytical Instrumentation and Software
Day and Time: Sunday, March 13, 2011 FROM 5:30PM-7PM 


Field environmental labs are typically pressed to reduce cost, provide rapid sample turnaround and analyze large volumes of samples. One potential solution to this dilemma is to utilize fast GC columns in a portable GC like the PID Analyzers Model GC312. What is a FAST GC column? There are several types: First, a FAST GC column is shorter and has a smaller internal diameter than a standard GC column A second approach involves using a 25m x 0.32 mm ID, 0.25um film thickness that is resistively heated and can be programmed at a much higher rate than conventional ovens. It can also be cooled faster since it has a very small thermal mass. This is the approach that we have taken. One of us (PS) used a fast GC method with a portable GC-MS for analysis of irradiated mail.

Some Advantages of FAST GC include reduced run times, increased sample throughput, improved signal to noise ratio and less column bleed (thinner films).Some of the disadvantages of FAST GC are: conventional Van Deemter curves aren’t applicable (high pressure drop),easy to overload the phase (less sample capacity), difficult to use for conventional GC/ MS
Resistively heated 10M x 0,25mm PLOT (HSP) and 10 M x 0.25 mm id capillary column with a 0.25 u film of methyl silicone were evaluated. We are also evaluating a fast yet economical method of detection so we selected photoionization detector (PID) for VOC’s and far UV detector (FUV)for general purpose detection of volatiles. Both detectors have ppb detection capability making them suitable for environmental analyses.
Fast Gc With Pid & Fuv Pc 2011

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The PID Analyzers Portables are now Bluetooth Capable

The PID Analyzers Field Portable Analyzer Product Line now has optional Bluetooth Capability. A real-time analyzer has never been so easy to use, application dedicated and so convenient. Features of our Bluetooth enabled analyzers include a wireless range of 330ft/100m, the ability to monitor 1-5 channels simultaneously, save and download manually collected data later and continuously monitor & collect data from numerous analyzers using a single PC. Data is collected graphically and date/time stamped in MSExcel format for ease of importing.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011

International Year of Chemistry Workshop At ACS Boston 2010

"The International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011 is a worldwide celebration of the achievements of chemistry and it's contributions to the well-being of humankind...The IYC is intended to reach across the globe, with opportunities for public participation at the local, regional and national level"-Source

At the ACS National Meeting in Boston on August 24, 2010, the ACS IYC Committee Organized a Workshop to introduce ACS members, ACS Volunteers/Section Leaders and attendees of ACS National Meeting to the year long celebration of chemisty. An overview of the concept was presented at the podium and each table had an ACS Staff member at it to guide the participants through a particular section of the tool-kit. This of course stimulated conversation and brainstorming at each station. The participants were encouraged to ask questions and take the materials with them as they moved from table to table.

The more daring folks opted for an official IYC 2011 T-Shirt and subsequently had to wait in line for a video interview. Of course Ken Grant (pictured on the right above) and I were up to the task. The topic of discussion on video was: "How Do You Plan to Celebrate IYC"? Of course I spoke about how I nominated my father, Dr. John N. Driscoll, for the 365 Days of Chemistry as an important contributor to Chemisty for his commercialization of the photoionization detector (The Father of Photoionization as we refer to him). Additionally, my father and I are huge proponents of education and we plan to initiate an IYC event on Cape Cod and introduce the materials from the tool-kit at the K-12 and college level (at Cape Cod Community College).
Join us now and Celebrate Chemistry in 2011! Click

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Evening Tweetup at ACS

The second ever Tweetup for the American Chemical Society Community was held in the evening during the ACS National Meeting on Monday August 23, 2010 at 8pm at Anthony's Pier 4 Restaurant on Boston Harbor.
Anthony's Pier 4 was the selected venue because it remains one of my favorite places in Boston. I have so many fond memories of the dining experience at Anthony's Pier 4; we would go there for special family events which included birthday celebrations, graduations, receptions and weddings.
I remember the strict dress code back in the early 1980's and watching as men squeezed into the "house" suit coats and ties; grumbling about how they didn't fit properly or didn't match. The implication however, would be perhaps the next time they would come in properly dressed for dinner. My mother would always insist on a table by the window but in actuality every table boasted spectacular views of Boston Harbor.

The Ladies Powder room upstairs was fit for a princess with pink walls and ample mirror space for ease of hair teasing and makeup reapplication. This was a perfect time waster for my sister and I while waiting for our "Glover Salad" after delighting in the chesse and crackers, marinated mushrooms and buttery fresh baked popovers.

I thought about the really popular hot spots in Boston where we could Meet up and Tweetup and instead choose Anthony's Pier 4 because of it's rich Boston history and Boston ambiance. The family owned Anthony's Pier 4 welcomed our Twitter Group when I described it over the phone to them and they agreed to let us use their Lounge (which normally functions as the room where those waiting for their reservations have a refreshment or cocktail while their table is prepared). We relished the opportunity to converse amongst ourselves and get aquainted with the little group that came to Tweet-Up with us. Special thanks goes out to my good friend, Ken Grant of Analtech, who kept the party rolling with his laptop full of social media presentation goodies and to the folks who came out to socialize with a few ACS Tweeters on such a damp and windy August night.

We're looking forward to TweetingUp in Anaheim in 2011 and we'll make sure we don't schedule it during SCI-MIX.

ACS TweetUp at the Expo

The American Chemical Society Tweetup at the Expo was held at Booth #236 at 4PM on Monday August 23, 2010 at the Boston Convention & Exposition Center in South Boston. This event lasted almost an hour and was well attended considering that it was held during expo hours and the technical sessions. Discussion topics included current use of social media, recent improvements to the ACS Network and the extremely active Twitterfeed and Twitter Cloud using the #acs_Boston hashtag. Participants in this event included ungergrads, exhibitors, attendees, ACS Employees, ACS Committee Members and media. This ACS National Meeting Boston Tweetup is considered to be the first Tweetup for the ACS Community.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

American Chemical Society National Meeting: Two Opportunities to Tweet-Up

Hello Fellow ACS Members, ACS National Meeting Attendees, Boston Tweeters and those following the #acs_bos hashtag on Twitter:

We've got two confirmed Social Media Events scheduled on Monday August 23, 2010 one in the EXPO and the second in the evening at an off-site location.

If you are in attendance at the National Meeting at the Boston Convention & Exposition Center (BCEC) located at 415 Summer Street, Boston at 4pm on Monday August 23, 2010, come by ACS expo booth #236 for "A Gathering of the social media peeps at the ACS National Meeting". All registered attendees/exhibitors are welcome to join us at this informal social media gathering to discuss their experience and use of social media in academia, research, government and industry. Additional discussion will be on how to utilize social media marketing to promote the upcoming International Year of Chemistry (IYC2011).

Evening Tweet-Up: Open event to Social Media Users in town for the ACS National Meeting and Local Tweeters in the Boston area. Anthony's Pier 4 welcomes our Twitter Group to meet in their lounge at 8pm on Monday August 23, 2010 at 140 Northern Avenue, Boston, MA 617-482-6262 (located on Boston Harbor-above is a daytime picture of the view from Anthony's Pier 4). This location is within walking distance from the BCEC. Spread the word.

Monday, August 9, 2010

American Chemical Society National Meeting Boston

Attending the ACS National Meeting in Boston? Make sure to stop by our booth # 236 and check out our latest products in the following product catagories: Gas Chromatography Instrument & Accessories, GC Detectors, GC Systems and Industrial Hygiene & Safety at the 240th American Chemical Society National Exposition at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center August 22-25, 2010. Follow the action on Twitter by searching #acs_bos.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

AIHCE 2010 Sponsorship of the 500 Aisle by PID Analyzers

This is our sponsorship banner sign that hung above our booth in Denver, CO at AIHCE 2010 and corresponding video of the sign.

Monday, May 24, 2010

AIHCE Soap Box Controversial topic: FAST GC in IH?

If you are in Denver at the Colorado Convention Center at AIHCE today then make sure to check out the EXPO THEATRE located on the show floor at 2:30pm today for the AIHCE SOAP BOX TALKS. Dr. Jack Driscoll of PID Analyzers (AIHCE) and Dr. Phil Smith of Uniformed Services University will be "on the AIHCE Soap Box" talking about their super fast, ovenless GC...this is amazing stuff...these guys think that faster methods and more accurate analyses are needed for Industrial Hygienists; "How can these be applied? The long capillary columns provide much better resolution (better separation) 30 M as opposed to 10 M. Lager sample size provides improved detection limits, faster programming and shorter times means more samples can be taken". The actual presentation from today's talk is available below. Interested in the fast GC? Contact Jack Driscoll.
Soap Box Presentation Fast GC(2)

Meet With Us, Tweet with Us!

pidgirl and Sensidyne have collaborated to plan a Tweet-Up (a meeting of the AIHCE Tweeps) today at 4pm at AIHCE Denver in the Colorado Convention Center during the Opening Reception at Sensidyne Booth # 1211. If you use any form of social media, please join us! Follow the conversation on Twitter using the search function and typing #aihce.

Wielding social media for effective science communication