Saturday, May 27, 2017

SCHB helps you connect with entrepreneurs in the chemistry community

ABSTRACT SYMPOSIUM NAME: Chemical Entrepreneurs' Impact on the Global Economy
CONTROL ID: 2736841
FEATURED AT SCIMIX at #ACSdc Monday August 21, 2017 8pm-10pm
TITLE: SCHB helps you connect with entrepreneurs in the chemistry community
AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Anis Rahman1Peter C. Lauro1David J. Deutsch1Abhishek Kantak1Joseph E. Sabol1Jennifer L. Maclachlan1Erika L. Oltermann1Mukund Chorghade1Carlyn A. Burton1Thomas Siepmann1Niteen A. Vaidya1George W. Ruger1
INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. SCHB, Harrisburg, PA, United States. 
The Division of Small Chemical Businesses SCHB of the American Chemical Society is the home for entrepreneurs in the ACS. When you join SCHB, you become part of a vast network of entrepreneurs - from a myriad of disciplines and all career stages. SCHB organizes informative and interesting programs at ACS National, Regional, and Local Section Meetings and also partners with other divisions for programming and social events, to enable networking and business collaboration. SCHB members may organize a symposium, join a SCHB committee, rent a low-cost Expo both, become a Patron Member to support SCHB activities, engage in SCHB social media to “discuss business” at any time, and serve in a leadership role to shape the direction of SCHB. Whether you are a member of other ACS technical divisions, if you are an entrepreneur or support start-up, small, and growing chemical businesses, we invite you to join SCHB.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Real-time detection of ppb levels of benzene by gas chromatography/PID

Real-time detection of ppb levels of benzene by gas chromatography/PID

New real-time detection method for benzene at ppb levels using a hand-held GC/PID system with the ability to simultaneously provide real-time data and collect samples for lab verification if necessary.
Scientific/Research Presentation:

#AIHCE, Tuesday June 6, 2017, 11:15am-12:15pm, Seattle, WA, 

F4: Studies in Real Time Detection and Sensor Technology

J Driscoll1 , J Maclachlan1

1PID Analyzers, LLC, Sandwich, MA
John Driscoll
PID Analyzers, LLC
Jennifer Maclachlan 
PID Analyzers, LLC
Benzene is a known carcinogen and long term exposure to this chemical may result in leukemia. The OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) therefore is 1 ppm and the short term exposure limit (STEL) is 5 ppm. EPA has just announced (October 2016) a plan to regulate benzene, at 2.8 ppb, at the fenceline of refineries and chemical plants. It is clear that even low ppb levels of benzene are a health concern so that the measurement of benzene in the workplace at ppb levels should be a concern for industrial hygienists.
We have developed a five pound, compact GC/PID system that will utilize a special 10.0 eV/10.2eV lamp to improve the specificity for benzene. We have employed a capillary column to provide a fast, specific, and sensitive method for benzene. As a result, we can detect > 1 % of the PEL. The analysis time for benzene is 1 minute, so, five measurements can be used to determine the STEL. The reproducibility (CV) for benzene at 1 ppm is 1-2% and 4-5% at 1/10th of the PEL.
A concentrator has been developed that fits on the tip of probe of the analyzer. A valve is selected to determine whether the sample is directed to the GC or the concentrator. The volumetric flow is measured with a calibrated flow sensor in the analyzer and date, time and location are recorded. This adsorbent can returned to the lab for confirmatory analysis of benzene and any other components trapped on the adsorbent.
Having a simple, effective and accurate real-time method to meet monitoring needs of workers is critical to remain in compliance with the present or new OHSA standards for benzene. This system is designed for multiple users, features a color graphics screen with simple push button operation and remote data collection via Bluetooth.

Hazard Recognition and Evaluation:
Real-Time Detection Systems

Real-Time Detection Systems

Practical Application
How will this help advance the science of IH/OH?
Real-time detection systems help limit worker exposure to chemical hazards. This scientific presentation will discuss the specific hazards and share new tools that will improve the accuracy of detection (without the use of detector tubes) as well as allow operators to collect samples for lab verification while capturing the real-time field analysis data. This equipment is ruggedly designed for a multi-user environment with various levels of technical expertise.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

NESACS named as finalists in four ChemLuminary Award categories

The Northeastern Local Section has been selected as a finalist for the following ChemLuminary Award(s):
·         Best Overall Local Section Minority Affairs
·         Outstanding Collaboration Between a Local Section and Division
·         Outstanding Local Section Career Program Award
·         Outstanding Sustainability Activities

Winners will be announced and the presentation of awards will occur at the 254th ACS National Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, August 22, at the JW Marriott, Grand Ballroom, located at 1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004. The presentations will include awards given by 18 committees of the Society.

How to Deliver a Safety Matters Presentation

Catherine Hovde, CIH, CSPPresenter
Amazon, Inc.
Seattle , WA 
Jennifer MaclachlanPresenter
PID Analyzers, LLC
Sandwich , MA 
United States of America

Mon, 6/5: 9:30 AM  - 9:55 AM AIHA Ed
Interactive Learning #AIHce
Washington State Convention Center 
Room: Hub Area 1A - AIHA Education 


Learn from experienced presenters how to deliver a "Safety Matters" training session for young workers using the materials from NIOSH and AIHA. Gain insights and practical tips on where to present and what works best so you can deliver a presentation that will have a positive impact on the youth in your community.

Read Jennifer's blog post about Safety Matters on Cape Cod here

Monday, May 8, 2017

@pidgirl's Spring 2017 Edition e-news

HNU-PID Analyzers, LLC Newsletter

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Measure VOC's in water & soil!

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Rapid real-time screening of soil and water at hazardous waste sites



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Photo by 
Brian D'Amico
about Safety Matters, a grade 7-12 training program for young workers that I am piloting on Cape Cod
Contact me if you'd like to pilot the program in your community.

MINI GC for specific measurements of benzene and more!
See here for specifications

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         Spring 2017 Edition

Another  American Chemical Society National Meeting in the books! True to form, this meeting was incredibly busy and marked my first meeting in the Chair succession of the ACS Divisional Activities Committee subcommittee's Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group (MPPG) which is responsible for the thematic programming
 for ACS National Meetings. I organized the Advances in Analytical Separations Analytical Chemistry Division flagship program for the fifth consecutive ACS National Meeting in which I presented "Screening and on-site identification of accelerants for arson investigations". This talk focused on the protocol used by arson investigators  by utilizing a photoionization detector (PID) as a preliminary screening tool and then employing a hand-held mini gas chromatograph to identify the species used to start the fire. This presentation is available upon email request. 

Our own, Jack Driscoll, is the 2017 Edward J. Baier Technical Achievement Award Recipient presented by the American Industrial Hygiene Association!

"The Baier Award  is given to the individual or group of individuals, company, academic institution, organization, or association that has made the most significant contribution to industrial hygiene in recent years through technical expertise, innovations, or scientific advancements.
John N. Driscoll, PhD - Edward J. Baier Technical Achievement Award  
John (Jack) Driscoll is an innovator in the development of a photoionization detector (PID) for gas chromatography. Driscoll quickly recognized the potential for PID technology in a stand-alone detector in the 1970s. His innovations and farsighted development of PID technologies have led to a transformation in real-time detection tools used by the IH profession. He has also had a tremendous impact on a diverse range of other scientific disciplines".

Jack is one of only five AIHA National Award recipients. Learn more about these awards here .   
Featured Products at AIHce Booth #1545
Check out our recent interview (press play below) with the Sandwich Chamber of Commerce where Chamber President, Jay Pateakos, dubs us "one of the coolest businesses in Sandwich". Hear how Jack got his inspiration to start the business (helping save lives of workers) and about our STEM education pursuits (inspiring students to appreciate science) in our local community of Sandwich, Cape Cod. 

Interview with Jack Driscoll and Jennifer Maclachlan by the Sandwich Chamber of Commerce
Interview with Jack Driscoll and Jennifer Maclachlan by the Sandwich Chamber of Commerce
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Jennifer L. Maclachlan, NA Distribution & OEM Sales Manager

Wielding social media for effective science communication