Thursday, April 12, 2012

Monitoring & ID of HAPs by fast capillary GC accepted at #ACSPHL

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244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

Paper # 282
Program Area: ANYL: Division of Analytical Chemistry 
Symposium Title: (ANYL014) 
New Directions in Analytical Separations

Thursday, August 23, 2012 03:10 PM
New Directions in Analytical Separations (01:00 PM - 04:50 PM)
Location: Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel
Room: Freedom Ballroom G


1. PID Analyzers, LLC, Sandwich, MA, 02563, United States
2. VICI Valco, Inc., Houston, TX, 77055, United States


1. J. N. Driscoll1 , 2 Washington Circle, #4, Sandwich, MA, 02563, United States 
2. Jennifer L. Maclachlan1   
3. Stan Stearns2 , VICI Valco Inc., 8300 Waterbury, Houston, TX, 77055, United States 

Title: Monitoring and identification of hazardous air pollutants by fast capillary gas chromatography with PID/FID detection

Abstract Body: First passed in 1970, the Clean Air Act (CAA) intended to regulate air emissions from both mobile and stationary sources, The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment (CAAA) involved a new approach: regulation by industry rather than by chemical; re-focusing the program to one which is technology and performance based. The US Congress generated a list of 189 hazardous air pollutants (HAP's) as a focused guideline to reducing emissions of HAP's from major sources of air pollution (1).
Driscoll et al (2) described a method for the identification of hydrocarbons using gas chromatography to separate and the ratio of the photoionization detector (PID) and flame ionization detector for identification. The FID provides the same response for Hexane, hexane and benzene. The PID response is related to the number double bonds (p electrons) so the PID /FID ratio is 10 for hexane, 20 for hexane and 60 for benzene, so we can used this ratio along with the retention time on a 30 meter capillary for positive identification of particular components. This method, of a single column and PID/FID ratios for identification has been employed in EPA and many state agencies methods instead of using two different columns for identification.
We used a new miniature PID/FID in-series tandem design along with a 30M x 0.32 mm & 5m film column that provides with temperature programming for the analyses. This column will allow us to separate the light hydrocarbons along the SVOC's. We will be using the restistively VICI capillary columns that, because of their low mass, provide rapid heating and cooling of the column.
1.Driscoll, JN,” An Agenda for Fighting Air Toxics”, Environmental Protection, Oct. 1998.
2. Driscoll, J,N, et. al, "Gas Chromatographic Detection and Identification of Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Complex Mixtures by Coupling Photoionization and Flame Ionization Detectors," J. Chrom., 158 , 171 (1978).
3. Stearns, S. “A direct resistively heated gas chromatography column with heating and sensing on the same nickel element, Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010) 4629–4638”,
Blog post updated 07/18/2012

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