OHS Virtual Event

Our first virtual tradeshow exceeded expectations. The virtual show effectively mimicked an actual tradeshow and the feeling of being at a tradeshow. Participants gathered in the Lounge and chatted about how the show was going and exchanging pleasantries (just like at a mixer on the show floor). OHS set up a live Twitterfeed using the #OHSvirtualevent hashtag so folks could follow along on Twitter. It took Jack and I awhile to get our sales technique down as we were not well versed in virtual booth ettiquette. Initiating a "chat" with a "booth visitor" would either scare them off (they would leave the booth) or they would "decline" our chat request (so discouraging); we thought we should say "hello" (like you would in real life; eye contact then obligatory head nod or "good morning" or "how are you?" or "can I help with anything?"). From my limited virtual tradeshow experience I would recommend the following to virtual booth staff: remain calm (there's someone in our booth, don't panic), relaxed (by allowing the booth visitor time to peruse the technical papers/literature and etc available in the booth-of course we posted the maximum allowable) and alert (to the live Q&A screen at the booth because when they have a question, they will ask it). And they are expecting an immediate response. You are, after all on booth duty.


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