HNU Systems, Inc. developed the first PID (photoionization detector) for gas
chromatography (GC). This PID (Model PI51) was introduced at the Pittsburgh Conference
in Cleveland, Ohio in 1976. The PID was found to be 50 times more sensitive than the FID
years, the PID has become on of the most important detectors for environmental analysis all over the world. The novel Far UV Absorbance detector (FUV) was introduced by us in 1985. Our flame photometric detector (FPD) ideal for S or P compounds, has novel rare earth filters instead of interference filters to improve the detection limits (2-5 fold) and a quartz jet to minimize decomposition of pesticides before they enter the flame region. Another detector we added in the nineties is our flameionization detector (FID) which comes equipped with a burner with HV bias and collector, a power supply for the FID bias, an electrometer and gauges and flow control for the support gases for the FID. The electrometer output is 0-10 VDC. The customer needs a separate ADC channel to feed the signal into the GC’s data system. Alternately, PID Analyzers sells a data system (Model 53) that will feed the signal into a separate PC.
Why upgrade your GC with a new GC detector? To improve sensitivity, selectivity or even time of analysis (elimination of a derivization step, for example). Add years to the lifetime of your capital equipment (GC) with an upgrade. Extend your lab budget by spending <$5K for a detector instead of >$20 K for a new GC. Remember, not all manufacturer's detectors are the same. For example, we specialize in GC detectors and our PID does not require the use of a concentrator to achieve trace level analysis.
· Easy to Install-The detectors should be mounted firmly to the GC. This simply requires two mounting holes or a clamp. The detector inlets are long enough so that the column can be connected directly to the detector inlet inside the oven.
· Four Detectors to choose from-
PID, FUV, FPD and FID; Operate any two at one time; HNU/PID Analyzer detectors have the widest range and are the best in the industry with respect to performance, specificity and selectivity.
· Run Detectors In-Series-Non destructive detectors such as the PID or FUV can be placed upstream and a second detector (FID, FPD, PID) can be run in-series downstream for additional information or confirmation of a component
· Upgradability-HNU's detectors have been designed to be easy to upgrade. They contain their own proportional temperature controller and have an analog output that provides an input for the auxiliary ADC found on many modern GC's. The analog output can be used with any integrator or recorder.
· HNU brand PID-Most sensitive PID available; axial geometry, inert chamber and ultra stable UV lamp combine to produce the best PID available. This detector is a carbon counter like the FID but it also responds to inorganic species such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, phosphine, arsine, iodine since the response depends on the ionization potential of the molecule. The most common lamp is the 10.2 eV but a more selective (9.5 or 8.3 eV) or more universal lamp (11.7 eV- carbon tetrachloride, ethane, chloroform, methanol) is also available. As a result, the selectivity of the PID can be varied.
· FUV-Novel photodiode and ultra stable UV lamp provides nearly universal response and low or sub ppm detection limits. the detection limit of the FUV for methane is approximately the same as the FID. At the same time, this detector will respond to oxygen and water at low or sub ppm levels.
· FPD-Rare earth filters eliminate temperature effects of interference filters and provide a 2-5 fold improvement in sensitivity because of their sharp bands. This detector is selective
for S or P compounds depending upon the filter employed. A dual S/P detector is also
· FID-The FID is a sensitive and very selective detector for hydrocarbons. It has the wide dynamic range (>106). It is equipped with a thermocouple to determine flame temperature and an alarm to notify flame out.
We also offer complete GC systems for both laboratory use and for field portable applications

A new version of PeakWorks Chromatograpghy Software was introduced at the 1999
from HNU-these are "old school" units dating from the early nineties as well as other manufacturers GC's.
Read about our customer who recently re-vamped their "old school" units before setting sail on their research voyage at sea.
PID Analyzers offers a new lightweight portable GC for environmental,
quality control, natural gas... applications. This GC is extremely easy to use with its touch screen programming, significant data storage capability in a 16 MByte
memory module, & a choice of one of our excellent GC detectors. The robust 312 GC will go anywhere with its light weight & rechargeable battery. The GC is powered by an advanced
microprocessor design that operates at 50 MIPS.
PID Model 312 Press Release in SCIENTIST LIVE
quality control, natural gas... applications. This GC is extremely easy to use with its touch screen programming, significant data storage capability in a 16 MByte
memory module, & a choice of one of our excellent GC detectors. The robust 312 GC will go anywhere with its light weight & rechargeable battery. The GC is powered by an advanced
microprocessor design that operates at 50 MIPS.
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